July 14, 2021
Meet UCalgary Nursing’s newest faculty member!

A registered nurse since 2003, Tracie Risling is a graduate of the University of Saskatchewan College of Nursing, receiving her doctorate in 2014. She has been teaching in the post secondary environment since 2005 and researches patient-oriented health informatics. She is currently president of the Canadian Nursing Informatics Association.
To get to know her better, we asked Dr. Risling to participate in some Q & A.
Describe your area of research and where you hope to take it/the results you are looking for down the road.
"I work in health and nursing informatics, typically in applied patient-partnered projects. We are continuing to advance and explore equitable access to tools such as electronic health records and portals, including for acute inpatient care. Our most recent funding is going to support an exploration of the experience of science communicators on social media during the pandemic, and we are excited to begin that work and hopefully support a more active nursing presence in dispelling health misinformation.
"Lastly, as artificial intelligence continues to advance in a wide range of societal applications, including health, we are working to engage nurses in discussion of this technology in particular with an end goal of increasing capacity for nursing participation in the co-design, deployment and evaluation of AI in health."
What's your favourite go-to app?
"Because it is part of my research, I do tend to engage with a number of social media sites regularly so those take up some priority real estate on my digital devices. However, having recently begun the YYC house hunting process, I think my maps and caffeinated beverage order apps are getting the biggest work out right now!"
Why did you want to come to Calgary and this university in particular?
"The spirit and energy of both the city of Calgary and the university have always kept this location on my radar, especially as I advanced my informatics research. This Faculty of Nursing also has a reputation for innovation, risk-taking and excellence in both research and teaching. I feel so fortunate and excited to be joining you."
The core values of UCalgary Nursing are inclusivity, respect, compassion, courage and wellbeing. Which one resonates with you most and why?
"I think I have to go with courage. In the past I have found this to be essential in consistently living these other important values, whether it is engaging in self-reflection, advocating for change, being accountable or recognizing my own needs and limits."
What are you most proud of so far in your career?
"My practice background is in paediatrics and I will always carry the pride of that work and specialization with me. I was also very glad to have an opportunity to join in the immunization efforts in my province over the past few months, again, feeling so proud to be a registered nurse and to play even a small part in helping to move us forward out of this pandemic. In my research practice, I have worked hard to build a large network of collaborators, including patient partners, to advance the discovery we do and I am very proud to be a part of those teams every day!"
Will you be attending Stampede?
"We will actually still be in Saskatchewan for the Stampede this year - packing up and moving our youngest son out into an apartment here so he can continue his studies. But we are looking forward to taking it all in next summer!"
When you are not working, how do you relax/unwind?
"I recently lost a debate with my partner and sons about downtime when I insisted I had many hobbies but couldn't seem to get past home organization on the list. This was quickly vetoed as a hobby. So, let me see if I can do a bit better. I do enjoy photography, bake a mean Saskatoon pie, but mostly look forward to getting back out into the world which we tend to explore as one-bag (we're talking carry-on) travellers. If you need packing tips or wonder how many shoes you actually need for more than three weeks in Europe, just let me know."