Membership Directory
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Clinical Assistant ProfessorCumming School of Medicine, Department of Cardiac Sciences
Cardiac SurgeonCumming School of Medicine, Department of Cardiac SciencesCardiovascular Surgery, Minimally Invasive Valve Surgery, Mitral Valve Innovations and Repair, Transcatheter Aortic Valve Implantation (TAVI), Infective Endocarditis
Assistant ProfessorCumming School of Medicine, Department of Physiology and PharmacologyPlatelet Biology, Thrombosis and Haemostasis, Advanced Imaging Science, Medical Innovation.
Clinical ProfessorCumming School of Medicine, Department of Cardiac SciencesCardiac Rehabilitation
ProfessorCumming School of Medicine, Department of Medicine
Clinical Associate ProfessorCumming School of Medicine, Department of Cardiac SciencesClinical research
MSc CandidateLibin Cardiovascular InstituteThe Cellular Biochemistry of Human Mitochondrial Disease
Clinical ProfessorCumming School of Medicine, Department of Cardiac Sciences
Clinical Associate ProfessorCumming School of Medicine, Department of Cardiac Sciences
DeanCumming School of MedicineAtherosclerosis, Endothelial dysfunction
Adjunct Research Associate ProfessorCumming School of Medicineaortic aneurysm , aortic dissection
Assistant ProfessorSchulich School of Engineering, Department of Biomedical EngineeringMultifunctional Biomaterials, Biocompatible and Hemocompatible Surfaces, Thrombosis, Cardiovascular Research, Tissue Engineering, Antimicrobial Surfaces, Biofunctional Surfaces, Medical Devices
Clinical Assistant ProfessorCumming School of Medicine, Department of Cardiac Sciences | Cardiology
Clinical Associate ProfessorCumming School of Medicine, Department of Cardiac Sciences | Cardiology
Assistant ProfessorFaculty of KinesiologyBrain health and exercise
Professor EmeritusCumming School of Medicine, Department of Cardiac Sciences
Adjunct ProfessorCumming School of Medicine, Department of Cardiac Sciences
Clinical LecturerCumming School of Medicine, Department of Cardiac Sciences
Assistant ProfessorCumming School of Medicine, Department of MedicineWomen's Health, Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS), Diabetes in Pregnancy
IntensivistAlberta Health ServicesEchocardiography, Cardiac Surgical Intensive Care
Associate ProfessorCumming School of Medicine, Department of Medical GeneticsGenomics, Mental Illness, Pharmacotherapy, Pharmacogenomics
Clinical Associate ProfessorCumming School of Medicine, Department of Cardiac Sciences
Full ProfessorCumming School of Medicine, Department of Physiology and Pharmacology
Associate ProfessorCumming School of Medicine, Department of Obstetrics and GynaecologyWomen's Health, Female Reproductive Health, Gynecology, Health Services Research, Epidemiology
ProfessorCumming School of Medicine, Department of Medicine
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