Libin Groups

Fostering collaboration to improve patient care

people working in a research lab on the left and doctors talking on the right

Our Groups

The Libin Cardiovascular Institute is committed to enhancing clinical and research activities by promoting and fostering collaboration. The Clinical Innovation Initiative brings together clinicians and investigators with common interests to facilitate cross-disciplinary research and to enhance patient care.

Synergy groups are a comprehensive collaboration between researchers, clinicians and the community that are aligned with the Institute’s four pillars (see below). Together, members drive innovation from bench to bedside, enhancing patient-centered care. Synergy groups allow for a true continuum between clinical questions and scientific answers which generates knowledge and drives precision medicine. With performance metrics and a commitment to fund development, we create impactful change in cardiovascular health.

Our Synergy Groups:

Amyloidosis Program of Calgary

Calgary Aortic Program

Nurturing advancements in patient-centered care and cardiovascular research, Pioneer Groups focus on two or more of the Libin Cardiovascular Institute pillars. Led by innovators with strategic plans for growth, they strive for excellence. These groups have defined goals and objectives and a strategy for measurement including academic outputs beyond quality improvement. They foster advancement and innovation.

Our Pioneer Groups:

Minimally Invasive Cardiac Surgery Program (MICS)


Heart Failure

Affinity Groups are comprised of an organized collection of activities dedicated toward delivery of specialized cardiovascular care by Libin members. These multi-stakeholder efforts provide focused care, document outcomes, and assess service value. From subspecialty clinics to specialty programs, Affinity Groups ensure comprehensive care continuity across the patient journey and beyond. Through collaboration, they deliver expert care and contribute to advancing the field.

Affinity Groups:

  • Are often multidisciplinary
  • Provide patient care across the continuum for their specialized area of focus

More Information on Libin Groups

Libin Cardiovascular Institute care pillars

  • Research
  • Training and Mentorship
  • Clinical Innovation
  • Community Engagement

Key performance indicators

  • Advancing knowledge
  • Informing decision making
  • Community impact

Why form a group?

We will work with you to develop a strategic plan and collaborate on enhancing research activities and facilitating cross-disciplinary research, community engagement and group development.

Want to know more?

If you want support to create a Libin Cardiovascular Institute group, please contact Christina Faulkner at