Oct. 25, 2023
Dr. Lorelli Nowell receives 2023 CASN Award Excellence in Nursing Education (TENURED)

Following on the heels of the virtual receipt of her 2022 Canadian Nursing Association (CNA) Order of Merit in October (announced in December 2022), associate professor Dr. Lorelli Nowell RN, PhD will travel to Ottawa in November to receive her Canadian Association of Schools of Nursing (CASN) Award for Nursing Education Excellence (tenure track).
This CASN award acknowledges the contributions and accomplishments of individuals in achieving CASN’s mission - to lead nursing education and nursing scholarship in the interest of healthier Canadians - and to promote and disseminate good practices in nursing education.
“I have observed the work Dr. Nowell has done to advance nursing education through her doctoral program, postdoctoral fellowship and now as an associate professor with UCalgary Nursing,” says Dr. Nancy Moules RN, PhD, associate dean (research), “all focused on advancing nursing education through innovations in teaching and learning, professional learning and development, and mentorship."
"When I reviewed the criteria for this award, it was instantly clear to me that Dr. Nowell is an exemplary nominee whose contributions and accomplishments realize, promote, and disseminate good practice in nursing education and are most deserving of this prestigious recognition.”

2023 CASN Award Winners
Among many other accomplishments, Nowell has been actively engaged in developing and teaching the new UCalgary Nursing Graduate Certificates Program which offers advanced nursing practice knowledge and practical experience for registered nurses wishing to acquire specialized skills in select areas. She also provided vital support for the development and delivery of the Doctor of Nursing program which launched in January 2023, one of the first in Canada.
“She truly is a creative and innovative nurse educator and scholar who is leading and promoting excellence in nursing education,” summarizes Moules.
CASN is the national voice for nursing education, research and scholarship and represents baccalaureate and graduate nursing programs in Canada.
CNA is the national and global professional voice of Canadian nursing with a mission of advancing the nursing profession to improve health outcomes in Canada’s publicly funded, not-for-profit health system. The CNA Order of Merit Award for Nursing Education is one of five merit awards that honour excellence in clinical nursing practice, nursing administration, nursing education, nursing research and nursing policy.

Lorelli Nowell receives CASN award in Ottawa.
The Canadian Association of Schools of Nursing is the national voice for nursing education, research, and scholarship and represents baccalaureate and graduate nursing programs in Canada.