May 16, 2024

My passion led me to win a competition

Presenting on rock climbing exercise physiology
Paige Boklaschuk

One day, I stumbled upon an advertisement for a small research conference at McGill University in Kinesiology and Technology—a perfect fit for my interests in rock climbing exercise physiology. Intrigued, I delved deeper into the details. Eager to hone my presentation skills and explore McGill University, which I was eyeing for potential graduate studies, I knew I had to attend.

With a friend from UCalgary sharing my interest in the conference, we pooled our resources and sought support from our supervisors to apply for the undergraduate oral competition. The conference boasted various competitions and presentations, spanning posters, oral presentations, and keynote speeches covering diverse topics in Kinesiology.

After much preparation and a journey filled with anticipation, we arrived, eager to share our research with fellow students and judges. Uncertain of what awaited us, I was taken aback when I took first place in the oral competition. Surrounded by a myriad of impressive presentations, ranging from rat intervention studies to qualitative research exploring perceptions of the menstrual cycle, the win came as a delightful surprise.

Beyond the invaluable presentation experience and the honing of core skills, the conference offered a platform to forge connections and network with peers from Montreal. It also provided a glimpse into the vibrant campus environment of McGill. And to cap it all off, we had the chance to immerse ourselves in the festivities of the Nuit Blanche winter festival—a perfect conclusion to an enriching experience!