May 16, 2024

My Engineering and Commerce Case Competition experience

Problem solving and strategic business planning

I had the honour of representing the University of Calgary at the Engineering and Commerce Case Competition (ENGCOMM) in 2024. After an intensive internal case competition process, a team of four undergraduate students was selected to represent UCalgary. Being among the four chosen, we committed ourselves to rigorous preparation, which all came together in a week-long event hosted by Concordia University in Montreal.

ENGCOMM is a global initiative that is fostering multidisciplinary dialogue and collaboration between engineering and business students. Hosted for the 11th time, this event serves as a platform for engineers and business students to collaborate closely. Throughout the week-long competition, my teammates, Yalena Sermeno, Preet Sahota, Jahanveer Saini and I tackled a series of challenges, including two 6-hour cases and a particularly demanding 12-hour case. These cases spanned diverse topics, from aerospace to wildfire management. 

ENGCOMM is a unique competition, seamlessly blending engineering problem-solving skills with strategic business planning. Each case presented an opportunity for our team to showcase our collaborative efforts and use our expertise in innovative ways. From crafting sustainable solutions for the aerospace industry to devising strategies for combating wildfires using unmanned aerial vehicles, we were pushed beyond our limits and as a result surpassed our own expectations. Analyzing cases and developing innovative solutions grounded in business principles opened new avenues for growth, both individually and as a team. It was a transformative journey that enhanced our skills in case analysis, innovation and collaboration while pushing the boundaries of our mental and physical stamina. 

Participating in ENGCOMM 2024 was a transformative experience that not only showcased the close interplay between engineering and business but also offered invaluable insights into the consulting industry. Drawing from my background in software and biomedical engineering, I had the opportunity to apply my expertise in software engineering to analyze and address complex business challenges. Throughout this immersive journey, I gained profound insights that transcended traditional disciplinary boundaries. It served as a crucible for honing my critical skills in case analysis, innovation, and problem-solving, pushing the limits of my mental endurance while fostering a deeper sense of collaboration within our team. 

Moreover, ENGCOMM served as a catalyst for my professional development beyond the confines of my academic studies. The interdisciplinary nature of the competition allowed me to collaborate with professionals from diverse backgrounds, broadening my understanding of industry dynamics and fostering adaptability. Networking opportunities with global companies such as L3 Harris Technologies, Cert Center Canada, and Lockheed Martin provided invaluable connections. Emphasizing credible business plans, the event prepared me for multifaceted roles in the industry and honed my leadership abilities through problem-solving scenarios. This holistic experience not only enriched my skills but also fueled my ambitions for future endeavours.

I am grateful for our coaches, Cameron Welsh, Yani Ioannou, Ghada Nafie, and Colin Dalton, whose guidance was instrumental in this journey. Additionally, I express appreciation to the organizers, volunteers, judges, and sponsors for their invaluable contributions to the success of the event. 

This competition was an incredible experience that fueled my ambitions for the future. I am immensely grateful for the opportunity and encourage others to pursue similar experiences, as they offer invaluable lessons in critical thinking, initiative, teamwork, and collaboration.