Sept. 2, 2024
Geomatics Engineering welcomes Dr. Linlin Xu

Dr. Linlin Xu has an academic foundation in Geomatics Engineering and Computer Science. He earned his Ph.D. in Geography from the University of Waterloo in July 2014. He served as an Associate Professor at China University of Geosciences from 2016 to 2018 and later as a Research Assistant Professor in the Department of Systems Design Engineering at the University of Waterloo.
As an interdisciplinary researcher, Dr. Xu’s research is at the cutting edge of integrating machine learning, AI, and remote sensing technologies—including SAR, hyperspectral, multispectral, and LiDAR—to tackle pressing environmental challenges. His work has led to significant advancements in pan-Arctic sea ice mapping, marine oil spill detection, Arctic species monitoring, and hyperspectral environmental mapping and assessments. Driven by a commitment to harnessing advanced technologies for environmental solutions, Dr. Xu has established a highly dynamic and interdisciplinary research program and has successfully secured a range of competitive funding, including NSERC Discovery Grant, NSERC Alliance, OCI, ROSS, and MITACS.
Dr. Xu’s expertise is demonstrated by his extensive publication record, which includes one book in Chinese, a book chapter, 75 peer-reviewed journal articles in top remote sensing journals, and 43 conference papers presented at major international conferences. His current research endeavors aim to push the boundaries of AI and remote sensing to develop more accurate and reliable environmental monitoring systems.