Feb. 26, 2018
Call for Nominations for CFD Executive Positions
The Council of Foothills Departmental Graduate Associations (CFD) is calling for nominations for the following executive positions: Vice-Chair, Treasurer, and GSA Liaison. Please see the description of each of the aforementioned positions below:
- Vice-Chair of the CFD – The Vice-Chair is responsible for recording the minutes of all CFD meetings and implementation of all Council plans with the Chair. To become Chair, a student usually needs to serve as Vice-Chair, previously (extenuating circumstances aside). This is a two-year term position.
- Treasurer of the CFD – The Treasurer is responsible for ensuring that the finances of the CFD are properly recorded and utilized according to the wishes of the Council. This is a one-year term position, but one may serve as treasurer for multiple years if continually voted or acclaimed into the position.
- GSA Liaison – This person will serve as a bridge between the GSA and the CFD. This includes, but it not limited to, working with the Events Coordinator, Events Committee Chair and VPSL to bring events/services to Foothills Campus provided by the GSA. Pending VPSL approval, this person may also have an Ex-Officio position on the GSA Student Experience Standing Committee.
If you are interested in running for any of these positions, please email a short statement of intent to Alya Heirali (aaheiral@ucalgary.ca) by Wednesday, March 21 at 4PM. Any questions please email (aaheiral@ucalgary.ca).